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Changes in Self-Reported Motivation and Attitudes of Secondary Students Following Music Compositional Activities


梁寶華 Bo-Wah Leung
香港教育學院體藝學系 助理教授
Assistant Professor / Department of Creative Arts and Physical Education The Hong Kong Institute of Education


Motivation is an important condition in music composition. However, studies on motivation changes towards music composition are rare. This paper reports an investigation on motivation changes of secondary students after they have been guided to compose. A total of 810 students from four secondary schools of Hong Kong responded to a set of pre- and post-activity questionnaire before and after completing a compositional activity. Open-ended questions were used in the post-activity questionnaire to seek students’ perception changes. A series of repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare the mean scores before and after the compositional activities in order to measure the different levels of student perception towards music composition. Gender and the identity of instrumentalist were examined whether they were significant factors affecting the motivational changes. Results suggest that these two factors significantly affected the motivational changes. While male students and non-instrumentalists had significantly lower levels of motivation than females and instrumentalists before composing, both groups had increased their motivation significantly after composing. Qualitative data reveal that intrinsic value and attainment value of composing were raised by the composing experience. Based on the findings, this study provides further implications for teaching music compositions in class.

Keywords: composition, creativity, expectancy-value theory, motivation, music education, self-efficacy



The Style of an Epoch in Children’s Picture Book Illustration: The Aesthetic Preference and Phenomena of Private Sectors Publication, 1987-2003

伊彬 Bin I
國立台灣師範大學設計研究所 副教授
Associate Professor / Graduate Institute of Design, National Taiwan Normal University

林慧雅 Hui-Ya Lin

二信高中廣設科 教師
Teacher / Department of Commercial Design Erh-Hsing High School


兒童圖畫書插畫欣賞被視為審美教育的一環。本研究分析 1987-2003 年,信誼以外,台灣民間出版童書插畫風格特徵,比較既有研究,找出插 畫發展軌跡與相關意涵。研究方法採用伊彬(2000)之方法與架構,分析 575 筆插畫樣本,歸納出 11 大項 28 小項風格。研究結果為:一、插畫風格 發展分為三大時期。二、風格演變之意義為:1.消費對象擴大、市場擴展至 國際、其它藝文工作者加入創作行列、製作題材變動等為插畫風格範圍擴 大及種類多樣化之原因;2.插畫家的職業層面與社會角色以及來源不同於以 往;3.圖畫書行銷手法改變;4.插畫與動畫、漫畫的關係愈趨明確。三、研 究結論為:1.出版社的理念策略不同,反映在風格之呈現。2.早、晚期插畫 家風格呈現模式不同,與年代背景有關。3.風格與題材有關。4.圖畫書可朗 讀性降低。5.童書插畫風格與審美教育之關係密切。6.童書插畫產業需被重視。




Introspection of the Community Aesthetics and Cultural Construction: A Case Study of the Narrative, Interpretation, and Meaning of the Visual Culture of Shanghai Street in Hong Kong

黎明海 Ming-Hoi Lai
香港教育學院體藝學系 副教授
Associate Professor / Department of Creative Arts and Physical Education The Hong Kong Institute of Education

劉仲嚴 Chung-Yim Lau
​ 香港教育學院體藝學系 講師
Lecturer/ Department of Creative Arts and Physical Education The Hong Kong Institute of Education


本文針對香港極具本土文化特色的舊社區之一油麻地上海街為探究核 心,藉此探討生活和活動在該場域內的當地人如何藉視覺影像去詮釋、建 構屬於場域內人、事、物三者之間的生態依存關係,及它們在社會急劇轉 型的大環境背後的深層意義。研究發現上海街視覺文化敘述、詮釋及意涵 可分為形而上和形而下兩個不同但息息相關的層面來加以論述。當地人對 視覺影像作詮釋時,不但結合物理和心理層面對社區文化作出重新詮釋, 還指出了上海街的視覺文化隱含著某種統整形而上和形而下及異常含糊的 美學特質,而這種特別的美學觀念卻形塑了大眾集體回憶。然而,在面對 全球化、社會轉型、人口老化和大型資本百貨的入侵,使這美好回憶為創 建未來新社區帶來變數和挑戰。




Implications of Critical and Contextual Studies in Art Teacher Education: Critical Reflection on a Cross-Cultural Study in Englandand an Action Research in Taiwan

羅美蘭 Mei-Lan Lo
國立花蓮教育大學視覺藝術教育研究所 副教授
Associate Professor / Graduate Institute of Visual Arts Education National Hualien University of Education


本研究資料取自九十四學年度國科會專題研究計畫,執行時間從 2005 年 8 月至 2006 年 7 月,研究要旨為:從跨文化研究觀點探討「批評與脈絡 學習」在藝術師資培育之應用。研究者首先從文獻探討和實地訪察來探究 英國藝術師資培育「批評與脈絡學習」的理論,然後考量台灣藝術教育現 況和視覺文化特色,來設計藝術賞析專題課程,邀請國立花蓮教育大學九 十四學年度修習「藝術與人文教學設計」課程的美勞教育學系三年級 39 位 學生和「藝術鑑賞與批評專題研究」課程的視覺藝術教育研究所一年級 7 位學生為課程參與者,進行教學行動研究。在研發藝術賞析課程方案過程 中,除了轉化運用英國學者 Rod Taylor 和 Nicholas Addison 的「批評學習法」 理論外,研究者在教學實務中發展「審美關懷」藝術教育理念、運用 ICT (資訊傳播科技)支援藝術教學,最後提出批評與脈絡學習方案在台灣藝 術師資培育跨文化應用的檢討與建議。





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