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Research in Arts Education is an academic journal published by Research in Arts Education Advisory Board. The first issue of the journal was released in May of 2001. The founding of this journal aims to promote the academic atmosphere, research quality, and communication width of arts education. It is evaluated as THCI (Taiwan Humanities Citation Index) Tier 1 journal by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology. It also wins Knowledge Impact Award in arts disciplines given by National Central Library.

Aim and Scope

1. Academic Quality:
The journal is established to enhance the culture, research quality, and depth of academic exchange in arts education and research. The journal is published twice a year, with at least three research papers in each issue.


2. Neutrality:                                                                                 

The journal is not affiliated with any institute or organization but belongs to a mission-oriented grassroots community. The aim, submission guidelines, and handling of material issues of the journal are implemented with the approval of the advisory board. For editorial decisions, four members in Taiwan are elected by the advisory board members to serve on the editorial board for a term of two years, with each member editing one issue during his or her term of office. None of the four members may submit manuscripts during the term of office unless they recuse themselves. In such case, other members will act as the editor of the issue. 


3. Fairness:                                                                                

All submissions to this journal are subject to anonymous review before publication. The list of reviewers and the results of the final review are decided by the editor-in-chief of the current issue in advance by convening an editorial board meeting.


4. Openness:
Arts education is an integrated discipline. The journal focuses on arts education, emphasizing its nature of technology integration. Research papers on visual arts education, music education, dance education, drama education, design education, art administration education, art technology education, aesthetic education, art history education, art museum education, and papers on the application and development of arts education are all welcome for submission. Contributors will not be discriminated based on their nationality, institutes, gender, social class, philosophy, or belief. Any manuscript meeting the requirements of submission shall be accepted for review.



電話:02-27321104 # 53397

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