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The Cross-Disciplinary Curriculum Implementation of a Junior High School Visual Arts Teacher

鄧宗聖 Tzong-Sheng Deng
國立屏東大學科學傳播學系 副教授

Associate Professor / Department of Science Communication,National Pingtung University


This study aimed to explore how a visual arts teacher developed cross-disciplinary experience into art teaching, as well as to address how to develop professional beliefs, identity, and community connections while creating. In the literature review, this study first described the course type, compiled cross-disciplinary concepts, and discussed how the ideals of art courses can be promoted in art-based creation, aesthetics, relations, and dialogues. Applying episodic narrative interviews as the research method for narrative analysis, this study focused on exploring the cross-disciplinary aesthetic education community in Taiwan. Specifically, a junior high school visual arts teacher who has long been a participant of that community was recruited to participate in the research. The visual arts teacher’s task scope and implementation

experience were reconstructed through interviews, documents, and other data in an attempt to describe how language, mathematics, and civics can be incorporated into art-based education for cross-disciplinary. In addition to analyzing the differences in curriculum intentions and implementation, this study discussed the possibility of recreating new experiences. This study discovered that the visual arts teacher represents form of visual arts within the other disciplinary.
The cross-disciplinary curriculum practice may serve to mediate professional development with belief and identity to realize connections among real-life space, concepts of academic discipline, and personal imagination cross-disciplinary boundaries of structure and culture in school


Keywords: episodic narrative interview, cross-disciplinary aesthetic education community, cross- disciplinary curriculum, art-based education



A Pilot Study of the Impact of Art Education Therapy on Underprivileged Teenagers’ Resilience

曾品璇 Pin-Hsuan Tseng
國立臺灣師範大學美術學系 博士生

Doctoral Student / Department of Fine Arts,National Taiwan Normal University

江學瀅 Shyue-Ying Chiang
國立臺灣師範大學美術學系 助理教授

Assistant Professor / Department of Fine Arts,National Taiwan Normal University


Resilience is the capacity to cope with adversity with positive adaptation. To understand influences on underprivileged teenagers in art education therapy, the 7-week, 120-minute once-a-week research is designed to provide a diversity of art materials for participants and emphasize self-expression. By participatory action research, the observer recorded observations and the researcher adjusted the process with the flexibility to understand how art education therapy impacts resilience. The research found the participants of the process could be arranged in three stages: preliminary try, creation, and resilience. The participants initially were afraid to create, then tried to work in safe contexts, and finally could express themselves by creating independently. Additionally, art education therapy has beneficial effects on underprivileged teenagers. They gain the courage to create independently, engage the reality of their environment, and foster friendly relationships with peers because of a safe milieu. Lastly, art education therapy reinforces resilience. Because positive teaching-learning and flexible structure connect teacher-student relationships, participants could eventually create on their initiative and cement resilience.


Keywords: resilience, underprivileged teenagers, art education therapy, spontaneous art



Analysis of Tactile Picture Books for People With Visual Impairments and Users’ Opinion 

伊彬 Bin I
國立臺灣師範大學設計學系 教授
Professor / Department of Design, National Taiwan Normal University

李鏡琪 Jing-Qi Li 
國立臺灣師範大學設計學系 碩士生
Graduate Student / Department of Design, National Taiwan Normal University


The dual-perception picture book is a kind of tactile picture book that emphasizes the common design characteristics used by sighted as well as by people with visual impairments. This study aims to analyze the types of tactile picture books for the latter and understand related experiences and user views. The results indicate the following conclusions: (1) There are five categories of picture books based on the materials used: fabric, 3D printed, plastic sheet relief, mixed material, and UV printed. (2) Tactile information is obtained from real objects and miniatures, relief presentation, multilayered presentation, contour, and silhouette, ranked on the basis of ease to difficulty of obtaining information. (3) Graphic tactilization is a professional process that combines empathy, aesthetics, and logic. (4) The popularity and use of picture books are constrained by insufficient pictorial education and resources. (5) For years, Taiwan’s special education discourse has severely neglected the importance of pictorial education. (6) In Taiwan, people with visual impairments seldom have opportunities to obtain tactile pictures, despite such materials being crucial learning sources for them. (7) Teaching people to read pictures during their childhood can enhance their experience and social integration. (8) Library services for people with visual impairments need to keep pace with the changing times. (9) Libraries should purchase and provide tactile picture books. (10) Libraries should also make good use of foreign resources. (11) Picture books have multiple functions which benefit readers with visual impairments across all ages and promote personal growth as well as socialization.


Keywords: visually impaired, special education, library, pictorial education, tactile picture book




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