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A Study of the Influencing Indicators of Artistic Creativity for Senior High and Vocational High School Students: An Example of the Winners of National Championships

吳明雄 Ming-Hsiung Wu
國立台灣師範大學工業教育學系 教授

Professor / Department of Industrial Education,National Taiwan Normal University

張中一​ Chung-Yi Chang
財團法人印刷工業技術研究中心 總經理

General Manager / Printing Technology Research Institute

饒達欽​ Dar-Chin Rau
龍華科技大學管理學院 教授

Professor / College of Management, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology


本研究目的係建構高中職學生藝術創造力影響指標,範圍包括視覺藝 術、音樂及戲劇三方面。經文獻探討提出六個影響藝術創造力構面作為研 究架構:1. 人格特質,2. 環境,3. 學習,4. 能力,5. 思考歷程,6. 作品。 立意取樣全國性藝術類比賽榮獲優勝之團體或個人為研究對象,經選取 4 人及 1 團體進行深度訪談,訪談結果整理出藝術創造力指標初稿,再由兩 組專家群(高中職教師專家和學者專家)進行精釋研究,最後建構 56 項藝 術創造力影響指標。藝術創造力影響指標之重要程度經 Goodman-Kruskal Gamma 係數計算,兩組專家群對指標之重要性看法一致性高,評分者間信 度佳,計有 32 項指標被列為重要性指標。研究發現,重要指標數量以人格 特質面最多,次為能力,依序再為環境、學習、思考歷程及作品。




A Study on the Blogs Conducted with Visual Art Approach in Taiwan: Using Seven Bloggers as Examples

洪千凡 Qian-Fan Hong
國立台灣師範大學美術教育研究所 碩士
Master of Education / Graduate School of Art Education National Taiwan Normal University

趙惠玲 Huei-Ling Chao
國立台灣師範大學美術教育研究所 教授
Professor / Graduate School of Art Education, National Taiwan Normal University


數位科技更迭迅速,部落格平台挾其快速、便捷、零資本的特質,不僅 成為當代數位視覺文化的表象之一,更進一步實踐了「人人都是創作者」的 時代意義,並蔚成一新興之大眾藝術展演場域。從某個角度觀之,部分部落 格藝術創作活動兼跨精緻藝術與大眾藝術間的界線,反映出當代藝術創作變 遷的可能性。本研究之目的即在瞭解視覺創作型部落格作者的創作風格與藝 術學習脈絡、部落格創作歷程及體驗,期望對視覺創作型部落格在網路機制 下所產生的特質,以及所呈現的「藝術創作精神」有更深入的認識。根據研 究資料,本研究獲得四項主要的研究結果:部落格作者的創作風格與藝術學 習脈絡關係密切、部落格創作歷程為作者與觀者互為主體的共構結果、部落 格作者在創作中獲得兼容並蓄之創作體驗與成長、視覺創作型部落格藝術機 制具現了常民化的生活性意義與入世精神。




A Study on the Protections and Licensing Related Legal Issues Concerning the Digital Archives 

謝銘洋 Ming-Yan Shieh
Professor / College of Law, National Taiwan University

趙義隆 Yi-Long Jaw
Professor / College of Management, National Taiwan University

陳曉慧 Hsiao-Hui Chen


本文由我國現行數位典藏相關法律規範與保護出發,探討從數位化工作 前應注意之法律規範,以及數位化後成果之相關法律保護。數位典藏涉及的 法律規範,如智慧財產權的保護、文化資產的保存及典藏成果的資訊公開, 均是典藏機構在進行數位化時所應妥適因應的議題。在授權應用部分,本文 並簡介數位典藏產業加值系統、加值應用模式以及交易機制,從產業面剖析 數位典藏加值應用之產業鏈與交易機制。同時,透過國內、外重要典藏機構 數位典藏加值應用現況的介紹與分析,分別由市場面與法律規範面,透析我 國數位典藏機構典藏素材加值應用所面臨之困境,最後針對權利釐清及效益 擴散提出健全法律規範、進行成果盤點、鼓勵授權產業及推廣公眾授權之建 議。



The Exploration of Age Exchange Center’s Aesthetic


王婉容 Wan-Jung Wang

Assistant Professor / Department of Theatre Creation and Application National University of Tainan


This paper aims to analyze the aesthetic strategies in British Reminiscence Theatre. I intend to explore how and why Age Exchange Center develops its aesthetic strategies in the devising process and applies them to performance. Firstly I analyze how it establishes its two manifest aesthetic strategies - using theatre exercises to reconstruct signs of art and employing the elders’ personal narratives drawn from storytelling. Citing from Gilles Deleuze’s (2002) aesthetic theory, I decipher how Age Exchange uses theatre exercises to distill signs of art and how they evoke empathy from audience. I also use narrative and oral history theories to explain the significance of personal narratives. Reflexivity evoked in rehearsals and performance of Age Exchange is demonstrated accordingly. Secondly, John McGrath’s (1996) theory of popular theatre is applied to illustrate other aesthetic strategies of Age Exchange and their political implications. Thirdly, I shall explicate how Age Exchange incorporates these three aesthetic strategies and weave them into a unified style of its own. Finally, I argue Age Exchange’s works pose reinterpretation and reflection of the past in the present and is considered as an important part of British Alternative Theatre Movement in 1980s according to Baz Kershaw’s (1992) argument. Age Exchange’s aesthetic strategies explored here hope to inspire community theatre worldwide.

Keywords: empathy, oral history, popular theatre, reflexivity, reminiscence theatre




電話:02-27321104 # 53397

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